• If you are registering your family choose this option. You will add each additional family member before finalizing your registration.

  • If you are traveling as an individual please choose this option.


  • (If yes, please read each of the requirements of the Minor Protection Policy and sign at the end indicating you have read it)

  • (If no, skip to the next question for shirt size)


Adults should avoid being alone with all minors of the opposite sex (besides family members). This includes but is not limited to hotel rooms, tents, offices, dormitories, and automobiles.
Adults should avoid being alone with ANY minor under the age of 14 (besides family members), regardless of gender, sexual identity, or sexual orientation whenever possible.
Adults should never engage in private discussions of their own struggles with sexual behavior or pornography. This includes sexually charged jokes, etc. This does not include group discussions intended to instruct students about the avoidance of or recovery from sexual abuse or things of this nature, but these discussions must be done openly and with other adults present.
Adults should never share a bed with a minor.
Adults should never be fully undressed in the presence of minors or be in the presence of a fully undressed minors (besides family members).
ALL reports of sexual or physical abuse will be reported to the proper authorities immediately by phone and written within 36 hours (per California Penal Code Section 11166.5). The law calls for all reports that contain “reasonable suspicion” which is defined as when a reasonable would have reason to believe that there is a possibility that abuse may have occurred. It is not proof, or even belief that allegations are true, but a reasonable suspicion. A uReach staff member will supervise all reports to ensure proper and full reporting.
Adults should never ask a minor to keep ANY secret, as this promotes vulnerability and violates trust.
Adults are expected to report suspicious behavior of other uReach staff, volunteers or other adults for evaluation.
uReach staff and volunteers must make the protection of all minors their #1 priority. This includes personal safety and shielding from sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. uReach administrators treat incidents of child abuse in any form with the utmost seriousness. Anyone in this organization who abuses a minor in any way with a child will be reported and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.



1. Keep a positive attitude throughout the trip. This trip can be difficult and flexibility will be required, as plans may need to be changed. Inflexible people break. If you have great attitude you will have a great trip . . . trust us.

2. Listen and follow the instructions of the team leader and attend all team mandatory meetings. We are a team and a team needs a coach. Its just a week of listening, you can do it.

3. Refrain from tobacco, alcoholic beverages, pornography or illegal drugs at any time during the trip. This is essential for many reasons, but if you can’t go without for week, we have some 12-step programs we can recommend.

4. Abstain from making derogatory comments or getting involved in arguments regarding people, politics, religion, race, or traditions. Be cool. You can argue when you get home.

5. Refrain from meddling, complaining, and using obscene or insensitive humor. Keep it clean people, keep it clean.

6. Adhere to the dress code established for your trip. Our simple guidelines on how to dress (see your info packets) are there for a reason, this isn't a fashion show anyway.

7. Make sure the group leaders know where you are at all times. A little communication will keep you safe and make sure everything is running smoothly.

8. Please no romantic displays (like cuddling, kissing, hand holding, etc) for the duration of the trip. For this trip, enjoy the single life - don’t make it weird for others.* *Doesn’t apply to married couples.

9. Respect the curfew and quiet times that are in place. You may not be tired, but chances are that somebody else is.

10. Do not enter the rooms of the opposite sex. Certain things should remain a mystery.

11. Be awesome! Refrain from any other behavior or activity that would hinder what we are trying to accomplish while helping the poor. Keep the finish line in mind the whole time.

Please sign in the box below.

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